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HOME > The real estate trading business registration for the people of Hong Kong (Operations of Solicitor in Japan)

The real estate trading business registration for the people of Hong Kong (Operations of Solicitor in Japan)

The necessary procedures of real estate rights registration

1、If you have got the resident registration In Japan, please prepare the following materials.

 (The buyer)

(1) If you will buy the real estate in cash, please prepare the following. 
 ① a copy of residence certificate  
 ② a seal (the form is not restricted)  
 ③ a card which can prove the authenticity of yourself
  (a passport or a driving license or a residence card, etc.)

(2 )If you will buy the real estate through loan, please prepare the following materials.  
 ① a copy of residence certificate  
 ② a certificate of the seal-impression (The one that within three months)
 ③ a seal which has been registered (The one which has been registered In City Hall) 
 ④ a card which can prove the authenticity of yourself
  (a passport or a driving license or a residence card, etc.)

 (The seller) 

 ① The notice of information for Registration Identification of the real estate
  (The right certificates which has been registered)
 ② a certificate of the seal-impression( The one that within three months)
 ③ a seal which has been registered (The one which has been registered In City Hall)
 ④ a card which can prove the authenticity of yourself
  (a passport or a driving license or a residence card, etc.)

2、If you don’t have the resident registration In Japan,
  please prepare the following materials.( the one who Living in Hong Kong)

 (The buyer)

① a notarization (the one that has been registered by the notary organs of Hong Kong which can prove the authenticity of your name, the date of your birth, the place of your registered permanent residence, your signature and your seal-impression)

② a card which can prove the authenticity of yourself (a passport or a ID card, etc.)

 (The seller)

① The notice of Information for Registration Identification of the real estate
(The right certificates which has been registered)

② a notarization(the one that has been registered by the notary organs of Hong Kong which can prove the authenticity of your name, the date of your birth, the place of your registered permanent residence, your signature and your seal-impression)

③ a seal (The one which has been registered by the notary organs of Hong Kong)

④ a card which can prove the authenticity of yourself (a passport or a ID card, etc.)

  ※The scrivener who must have the business of notarization’s qualification  
 in the law firms of Hong Kong.
 What's more, you can use the notarization of English or Chinese, if you have any
 questions, please give us a call.
(Our office can provide English and Chinese service for you.)

○ If you have any questions, please give us a call.(AM9:00-PM7:00)

◆We can provide free service for you at the first time (within 60 minutes),
 and we can provide free service for you if you call us on Saturdays or Sundays.
◆Sometimes the free service also can solve a lot of problems.
◆We can provide free service by telephone and mail.
◆According to the provisions of the law,
 a solicitor in Japan has the obligation to keep secrets, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

If the manager is absent, please give us an E-mail.
F E-mail : info@s-kodo.com